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Supplier Code


This code is translated into more specific guidelines and behaviors for what is important

for Reederei Rörd Braren and our brand through the Code of Conduct for all employees as well as representatives and the Supplier Code for you as a supplier.

The Codes are also based on legislation and international regulations and principles that we support.

The Supplier Code contains responsibilities of the suppliers. A supplier is defined as a provider of both goods and services that Reederei Rörd Braren has entered into an agreement with (both verbal and written), and sub-contractors engaged by Reederei Rörd Braren’s suppliers. As a supplier, you are responsible for ensuring that your sub-contractors comply with this Supplier Code or

equivalent requirements. The guidelines are minimum requirements and should not be considered an exhaustive list.



The principles of the Supplier Code are based on legislation, Reederei Rörd Braren policies and guidelines, the UN Global Compact, International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC)

Occupational health and safety

As a supplier, you are to offer a safe, secure and healthy workplace for all employees. This means the work environment must be physically, mentally and socially sound, and employees must have the opportunity to grow and develop. We expect compliance with national legislation and active work to completely avoid accidents, incidents and unsafe or unhealthy conditions in workplaces. We work safely or not at all.

Discrimination and harassment

Reederei Rörd Braren has zero tolerance of discrimination and harassment and promotes diversity, gender equality and inclusion. We expect the same of you as supplier. This means that you value employee differences and offer the same

opportunities for employment, training and development at work, regardless of race, colour, ethnic, social or national origin, language, gender, transgender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion or other expression of faith, political or other opinion, disability, age or other personal factors. Harassment, oppression, mental or physical punishment, the threat of punishment, bullying or victimisation are not acceptable.

Working conditions and freedom of association

As a supplier, you are to offer all employees working conditions that are at least equivalent to applicable laws and agreements. Obligations to employees under national laws and wages and other remuneration, working hours, social safety nets and personal and accident insurance must be respected and followed.

As a supplier, you must also recognize and respect the right of employees to form or become members of a trade union or other association to defend their rights, and the right to bargain collectively. Employee representatives must be able to carry out their functions, and discrimination against elected representatives or unionized employees is not accepted. If trade unions are not permitted in the region in which you operate as a supplier, or if only stateapproved organisations are allowed, you are not permitted to prevent workers from gathering independently in other forms to discuss work-related issues. A forum where employees can raise work-related issues with management must then be made available.

Forced labour and child labour

Reederei Rörd Braren does not accept forced or child labour and we expect measures to be taken to prevent and combat forced or child labour. This means that child labour must not occur in operations conducted by you as supplier, or by other business partners across our value chain. Immediate action must be taken if compliance breaches are suspected. Applicable legislation and international rules on the legal minimum age for employment must be followed. No form of forced labour or involuntary labour, including slavery, servitude, human trafficking or labour exploitation is accepted.

Employees shall have the freedom to choose to work for you as supplier and the right to leave their employment in accordance with applicable labour laws and employment contracts. No part of an employee’s salary, benefits,

property or personal documents may be withheld to force the employee to continue working.


Reederei Rörd Braren has zero tolerance for all forms of corruption and we expect preventive activities to be undertaken to counteract corruption. This means you as supplier, directly or through another party, must not give or accept bribes, expensive gifts and business-related entertainment or other unpermitted remuneration to create or retain contracts or to speed up a decision. Any attempt to influence a business or official decision or receive favorable treatment in an inappropriate manner is strictly prohibited.

Competition law

Reederei Rörd Braren strives to compete fairly and honestly and in accordance with applicable competition legislation. As a

supplier, you are to comply with applicable competition laws and must not engage in anti-competitive practices or conduct that prevents, restricts or distorts competition.

Trading rules and restrictions

As a supplier, you shall comply with trading rules, trade restrictions and trade sanctions issued by national authorities, the UN or EU in force at the time.


Protect confidential information

All information about Reederei Rörd Braren and our operations that is not public is in principle confidential information. That is why you, as a supplier, must never unlawfully submit confidential information to any unauthorized person. Confidential information could be either verbal or written and in physical or electronic form.


Information security and protection of personal data

As a supplier, you shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the field of personal data and information security. Collection, processing and storage of personal data shall be appropriate and lawful, and incorrect processing of personal data must always be avoided.


Environment, climate and circular flows

As a supplier, you shall comply with all applicable environmental legislation and prevent and reduce environmental and climate impact, while striving to achieve resource and energy-efficient and circular flows. This means emissions and other disruptions shall be limited, the use of and emissions to water are to be minimized, waste is to be avoided, chemicals management is to be based on the precautionary approach and material and energy recycling is prioritised. This also means that you as a supplier must identify the impact of operations, and actively strive to protect biodiversity.

As a supplier, you shall endeavor to achieve systematic and continuous improvements, for example by using environmental management systems. You must also monitor environmental and climate performance and be able to report the environmental performance and GHG emissions from operations to Reederei Rörd Braren.


As a supplier, you are to identify, manage and comply with the requirements set out in the Supplier Code. You are also responsible for ensuring that your sub-contractors comply with the Supplier Code or equivalent requirements.

By entering into an agreement with Reederei Rörd Braren you accept the requirements in the Supplier Code. As a supplier, you must always comply with the applicable laws, rules and regulations of the countries in which you operate. If there are any differences between the regulations of the Supplier Code and these regulatory frameworks, the regulations with the highest standard are to be applied. Notify Reederei Rörd Braren immediately if a regulation in the Supplier Code is inconsistent with a law, rule or regulation of any of the countries in which you operate.


As a supplier, you agree that Reederei Rörd Braren, or a third party appointed by Reederei Rörd Braren, has the right to verify and evaluate compliance with the requirements in the Supplier Code. You must cooperate with Reederei Rörd Braren in the evaluation of compliance with the Supplier Code.

Reporting non-compliance

As a supplier, if you suspect or detect non-compliance with the Supplier Code you must immediately contact Reederei Rörd Braren, for example through your ordinary contact person with us, the contract manager or with any managing director directly.